How Can Data Management Positively Impact an EMS Provider’s Operations?

June 20, 2023

How Can Data Management Positively Impact an EMS Provider’s Operations?

Think for a moment how different a typical emergency ambulance ride could be: If all a patient’s information could be quickly and easily accessed at the point of service? If…

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FAQs for EMS Billing Services

December 08, 2022

FAQs for EMS Billing Services

What is EMS Billing? Emergency Medical Services (EMS) billing is a service that manages fees for ambulance transport to a hospital or facility accompanied by an EMT and/or paramedic crew.…

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January 11, 2022

Best EMS Field Practices to Aid Billing

Claim submission that results in payment begins before a medical record is ever received at the billing office. EMT and Paramedic Documentation is vital in ensuring sufficient details are recorded…

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December 19, 2021

Good practices that ambulance service providers can adopt to help ensure EMS billing is effective and successful

There are several good practices that ambulance service providers can adopt to help ensure EMS billing is effective and successful. Effective EMS billing is defined as billing that produces timely…

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Hospital to Hospital transports from an RCM perspective

December 13, 2021

Hospital to Hospital transports from an RCM perspective

Revenue Cycle Management(RCM) in the ambulance industry has a lot of moving parts to monitor to ensure the bottom line is met.  Lower DSO, maintain a steady cash flow, keep…

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What is Billing for Inter-facility trips - do's and don'ts

October 10, 2021

What is Billing for Inter-facility trips – do’s and don’ts

When a Medicare beneficiary is transported by ambulance from one facility to another, it is very important to understand how to determine who is responsible for that Inter-facility transport. This…

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June 24, 2019

What is Ambulance Cost Data Collection?

Since the inception of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been taking broad strokes to optimize the…

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June 07, 2018

EMS Revenue Cycle Management JEMS Award

Integra Connect’s Revenue Cycle Management Solution for EMS services has received the JEMS “Hot Product” Award for 2018. The Hot Product award is exclusive to the Journal of Emergency Medical…

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December 20, 2017

EMS Pain Assessment

What do you do if you arrive on scene to find a patient who is pale and bordering on delirium in obvious pain? Your training kicks in – all of…

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