Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

March 20, 2018

What is Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management?

Revenue Cycle Management is the process used by healthcare systems in the United States to track the revenue from their patients from their initial appointment or encounter with the healthcare system to their final payment of balance.*

How are Specialists Impacted by Revenue Cycle Management

Revenue cycle management activities include patient registration, insurance and benefit verification, charge capture, and claims processing – which are all essential components to a healthy revenue stream.  Because which makes revenue cycle management an especially important topic this year..

How Does Integra Connect Help Specialists with Revenue Cycle Management?

Integra Connect’s value-based Revenue Cycle Solutions enable you to grow your top line while freeing up practice staff to focus on patient experience and care. Key capabilities include:

  • An expert back office team
  • Cleaner claims
  • Automated tasks
  • Simplified Scheduling
  • Dynamic Dashboards
  • Robust Analytics and Reports
